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Título: The Use of Conceptual Business Model in Managing Information Technology Projects
Autores: SIQUEIRA, Luciene Diana
CRISPIM, Sérgio Feliciano
GASPAR, Marcos Antonio
Palavras-chave: Business Model
Project Management
Information Technology
Data de Emissão: Dez-2015
Fonte: SIQUEIRA, Luciene Diana; CRISPIM, Sérgio Feliciano; GASPAR, Marcos Antonio. The Use of Conceptual Business Model in Managing Information Technology Projects. S & G. Sistemas & Gestão, v. 10, n.4, p. 575-586, Dez 2015.
Resumo: The business model of an organization is an important strategic tool for its success, and should therefore be understood by business professionals and information technology professionals. By this context and considering the importance of information technology in contemporary business models, this article aims to verify the use of the business model components in the information technology (IT) projects management process in enterprises. To achieve this goal, this exploratory research has investigated the use of the Business Model concept in the information technology projects management, by a survey applied to 327 professionals from February to April 2012. It was observed that the business model concept, as well as its practices or its blocks, are not so well explored in its whole potential, possibly because it is relatively new. One of the benefits of this conceptual tool is to provide an understanding in terms of the core business for different areas, enabling a higher level of knowledge in terms of the essential activities of the enterprise IT professionals and the business area.
ISSN: 2212-0173
Aparece nas Coleções:Artigos - Pós-Graduação em Administração

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